Equipment Set




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1·Pin-on-disk wear test equipment set in S-570 SEM is introduced in this paper.
本文介绍了一种装在S - 570扫描电子显微镜中的销-盘式磨损试验装置。
2·This may be related to ergonomic aspects of furniture design, equipment set-up, improper lighting, work design, or work habits.
3·Physical features include the use of requirements, such as the area of the space, size, shape, suitable for home furnishing, equipment set.
4·Tile press is special equipment for the ceramic industry, also key equipment set of mechanical, hydraulic, computer control technology and ceramic technology.
5·Our company has a rich technical force, invest a huge sum of money to introduce talents, the technology and equipment set up intact quality supervise and inspectability system.
6·"Acceptance test" refers to the series of tests of the Equipment set forth in the Acceptance test Plan and performed before Installation by Buyer's fully qualified technical personnel.
7·Some workers, like Jane Matheson, are retrained to handle the new equipment, but often a whole new set of skills is required and that means a new, and invariably smaller set of workers.
有些工人,比如 Jane Matheson,会重新接受培训来使用新设备,但通常需要一整套新的技能,这意味着需要一批新的、规模更小的工人。
8·Friends in England sent equipment needed for his electrical experiments, others, in Philadelphia, helped him set up his workshop there.
9·But her equipment, too, must be set to one mode or the other, and she cannot be certain that the polarity of the photon she sends to Bob is correct.
10·The ship is equipped with a complete set of radiolocation equipment, homing heads and locations stations.
更新时间:2025-03-10 14:30